

In the review of what I done in the Part1 of my TMA2 in the TU170

I started with the idea in making an advice to a friend in the term that the TMA2 Part1 said: If this wasn’t new to you, explain …ext. Most of as uses front page or flash in making web pages. But, for the challenge I saw that I'll make it with HTML. Front page made my pages as gif, so I started to read and write. In the start of my writing, I didn't have any problems; it is so simple for me. However, in the finishing looks I wanted to add a few visual graphics, a pit of leverage, a background and with an edge to the left side. Like most web pages, they put it with the background; I didn't like that, so I started to look for answers. I found that I can make it inside a table, and I did. I did not find any of the new way with most of me colleges, but I started to read cods of other web sites, like www.absba.com, www.google.com, www.microsoft.com, www.mobile4arab.com and www.webstyleguide.com.

In the review of what I done in the Part2 of my TMA2 in the TU170

In TMA2 Part2, a selected the subject of Electronic Commerce and started to work on it. I chose Microsoft, amazon.com, Intel, creative, I-mate, Nokia, Rajhi bank, Riyad bank, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and Raindance internet video conference. In it, I introduced and discussed my subject, and my approach to it. In addition, I had to take the permission of each one of them, so I sent to them e-mails, and received from them in this discussed way.

Company's discussions: Microsoft, I-mate Rajhi bank ,Riyad bank.

In open negotiation's I found help from one of my colleges, and I thank you him for that.

College's discussions: abdulmalek s. al aklan

I thank all of how have helped me, and I thank you for reading my work.

With love to you all,

Abd-Alaziz Ale-Abd-Almohsen